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Nuke Galaxy

  • Flavour: acai, blue raspberry, lime
  • Little sugar
  • Special formula for gamers

Product Overview

LevlUp® Nuke Galaxy

How does Nuke Dragon taste?

Suggested Use

Mix one level measuring spoon (8g LevlUp Gaming Booster) with 500ml water. LevlUp is specially designed for video gamers and gaming sessions of any kind. Drink our Gaming Booster® while playing video games.
Notes: Do not exceed the recommended daily consumption amount. The daily consumption amount corresponds to 1x 8g (heaped measuring spoon). Not suitable for children, adolescents, pregnant and nursing women. Not intended for long-term nutrition and not to be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from direct heat and light exposure.

Nutritional Information

Nutritional information will be shown when a flavour and/or size is selected.

Overall Rating (5.0)
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Review by Anonymous on Jan 4, 2024
Schmeckt nach dem was angegeben ist. Kann man empfehlen
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Besser als Galaxy

Review by Anonymous on Oct 21, 2023
Die Normale Galaxy sorte sagte mir nicht zu. Aber diese hier ? Oh man diek ann man echt weg suchten
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Ottimo se devi fare ricarica di energia

Review by Anonymous on Sep 18, 2023
Gusto ottimo,fresco consiglio a tutti quelli indecisi su che gusto prendere la prima bolta
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Review by Anonymous on Aug 3, 2023
Ein Genuss für Geist und Gaumen👀💙
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Es erinnert ein bisschen an...

Review by Marionettenspieler on Jul 26, 2023
... den originalen Energy Drink Geschmack. Zumindest bilde ich mir das ein, ist nämlich schon recht lange her. Nachdem plain Galaxy nicht so mein Ding war, dafür aber Nuke total, fiel die Entscheidung nicht schwer den Mix mal zu probieren. Um es kurz zu sagen: Es wird regelmäßig getrunken! Eignet sich gut, wenn man bei einer großen Auswahl mal nicht weiß, auf was man eigentlich gerade Lust hat. Dann passiert der Griff zu Nuke Galaxy. Wenn man Nuke mag, kann man hier nichts falsch machen.
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Acai (Cranberry) Blaue Himbeere 🤤 und Limette

Review by Todolf on May 6, 2023
Cranberry und Himbeere schmeckt Top Bin gespannt wie die Neon Edition so schmeckt
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Der Hammer

Review by Pascal.M on Apr 21, 2023
Für mich ist das einer der besten Sorte die hier angeboten werden!!!! Der Geschmack ist der Hammer!!
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Sehr lecker

Review by Florian on Apr 8, 2023
Ich habe mittlerweile schon viele Sorten probiert und muss sagen, dass Nuke Galaxy zu einer der besten zählt. Es schmeckt sehr stark nach Acai, wobei die Limetten und die blaue Himbeere eher in den Hintergrund treten. Empfehlenswert!
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Is geil

Review by Anonymous on Apr 5, 2023
Schmeckt baba
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Besser wie die Nuke/Dragon

Review by Robert Najdek on Mar 31, 2023
Guter Geschmack. Schmeckt mehr nach Galaxy als Nuke. Genau wie ich es mag.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is LevlUp®?
The Gaming Booster from LevlUp® is a powder that, when mixed with water, makes a delicious drink that is specially adapted to the needs of gamers. The booster supports focus, performance and concentration.
How much does LevlUp® cost?
One serving of LevlUp® with 500ml costs less than 1 Euro.
What does the active ingredient formula consist of?
The active ingredient formula is a special formula with caffeine and vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 supports energy metabolism, the nervous system, the psyche and the immune system; it also helps reduce fatigue and tiredness.
Why do I need a Bottle for this?
With the Pro Bottle you achieve the optimal solubility of your LevlUp. With 500 ml, our LevlUp Pro Bottle is perfectly designed for one serving of LevlUp - 100% BPA free and leak-proof. Your faithful companion for your setup.
What are the advantages over classic energy drinks?
LevlUp® contains only about 4 grams of sugar per 500ml. As a comparison: common energy drinks contain around 50 grams of sugar. In addition, you save with us deposit and waste, because with us comes a can with 40 servings. And one serving of 500ml costs less than 1 Euro!
Why does LevlUp® taste so good?
We set a high value on quality for our Gaming Boosters. Our drinks are therefore manufactured under the highest production standards Made in Germany.
Why is LevlUp® for gamers?
As gamers, we have special needs: we need to be calm, concentrated and focused. These are exactly the skills we have focused our formula on - to be able to support gamers optimally.