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Become a pro gamer - 10 tips for aspiring esports players

Becoming a pro gamer is the dream of many gamers around the world. Gamble all day, hang out on Twitch, always get the latest equipment sent to you and still earn a lot of money. Sounds dreamy, doesn't it?

The community imagines the life of e-athletes like this or something similar. But when do you actually become a pro gamer? How do you become that? And how do you really get better?

We would like to answer all these questions for you in this article, so you too can soon be chasing prize money and fame with a sponsor behind you.

Who is a programer?

In the end every gamer who mainly earns his living with gambling or who plays at a very high level. Regardless of whether it is through sponsors or prize money, your income is mainly based on playing computer games or do you play all of them ESL on the wall, others will call you a progamer.

What does an esports player do all day?

Anyone who wants to become an e-sportsman often thinks that professional gamers just gamble all day what they want and get paid for it. In most cases, however, it is not that simple.

The classic e-athlete can be found especially when training with his team or in so-called Scrims against other teams. With a bit of luck, you will also encounter it on normal servers in everyday life, but in pro gaming it has to be comparatively high to maintain a high level be trained a lot.

What we as a community mainly see, namely the exciting duels in the big eSports leagues and tournaments, often only makes up a small part of the everyday life of eSports players. But one by one…

How do you become an eSports player?

In most cases it's mainly because you're really, really good at a game. Whether as a mid laner in LOL or as a support in CS:GO, if you only play a good round every now and then, there is a high probability that you will not become a pro gamer.

So it's incredibly important that you get better and always work on yourself, if you want to become an eSports player. So really think of life as a professional gamer here as a career as a professional athlete.

Like in soccer or basketball, there are exceptional talents who have to do less than the rest, but most players have to work on themselves every day in order to be able to keep up with the competition. But how do you get better?

Focus on one game

An important basis for success in pro gaming is committing to a game. There are always pro gamers who are so talented that they can be successful in several games (e.g. Fatal1ty oder Gamsu). These players are absolute exceptions!

The majority of pro gamers concentrate on a single game, at least when it comes to participating in tournaments and leagues. In the course of one's career, it happens again and again that one switches to another game within the genre, however, in the beginning you should concentrate on one game.

Find your settings

If you want to become a pro gamer, you have to definitely deal with the topic of settings. In pro gaming, fractions of a second count, quick reactions, good communication and long-lasting concentration. So if you change your mouse sensitivity every day, try to use every high-end graphics setting and don't understand your team because of all the sound effects, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Research what you should pay attention to in your game, test different settings and then stay with them. This is the only way you can automate the decisive movement sequences in the medium term and really get better.

The use of permitted scripts such as the Jumpthrow Bind bei CS:GO can give you a little help here, however, the decisive sensitivity only comes after days and weeks with the same settings.

Regular training

You cannot be successful in any sport without regular and planned training. Of course, this also applies to esports players. If you think that grinding the Battlepass or the evening sessions with friends count as regular training, we have to disappoint you.

It's absolutely no problem now and then with yours Smurf-Account and good friends to make the servers unsafe. However, you should work on your weaknesses regularly and in a structured manner and train individual movement sequences/mechanics.

Only if you take things like aim training and scrims seriously do you have a realistic chance of success as a professional gamer.

Join a team

You grow with your tasks. This saying is definitely relevant in the life of a pro gamer as well. Do you join a team that consists mostly of significantly better players, you too will get better and better with time. In this way you quickly learn what really good players pay attention to, how they move, what their priorities are and how they deal with stressful situations. All of this is invaluable for your development.

Another important factor is of course that most of the very successful games in e-sports are team-based games. If you think you can make it to the highest echelons of Counter Strike without a permanent team, you're on the wrong track. Only true team players make it with talent, hard work and a bit of luck into the sacred halls of e-sports.

Work on your mindset

What has long since arrived in poker, business or professional sports still has a niche existence in pro gaming. The work on mindset, frustration limit and perseverance is an important prerequisite for top performance.

Who after every unlucky goal conceded or Ask to Rage Quit leans and throws his controller against the wall, he will never be the all-important thing Clutch Unpack Play and lead his team to a title.

Watch replays

What is completely normal in professional sports can also help you to the next level. Recording your own videos is not only suitable for YouTube content or flexing on Reddit, sbut also for targeted further development as an esports player.

Look at the recordings with specific questions. Where was the opponent? What could you have done better? how can you work on it With such questions you usually recognize patterns very quickly and can develop yourself in a much more targeted and faster way.

Watch pro gamers

Every eSportsman has their own style, solves problems in their own way, or has special tactics to deal with a situation. How does player X behave in the early rounds? Which way does he take to A? How does he play with weapon XY? These are all exciting questions that can help you develop into a successful e-sportsman.

Consider the whole thing some kind of esports education. So make yourself comfortable, grab a snack and get your notepad ready. Because only those who observe the best players closely can learn from them and become the new star in the e-sports sky.

Play in tournaments and leagues

Only those who win tournaments and dominate leagues make a name for themselves. This is no different in e-sports. If you want to become a pro gamer, you aim to beat the competition in the biggest tournaments and leagues. From the start, make sure your name appears regularly on the leaderboards and podiums. No matter how small the tournament or league, test yourself and your skills against the competition as often as possible. This is the only way you can really develop in pro gaming and slowly make a name for yourself in the scene.

Find a coach or mentor

There are now coaches for all popular e-sports games who look over your shoulder for money. Which may sound a bit strange at first glance, can be a really good investment in the long run.

Coaches who may have already followed your planned path, or who play at a very high level, often bring a breath of fresh air and new perspectives to your game.

Why don't you throw the needle there or go that way? Why don't you concentrate a bit more on this or that in the initial phase? Such questions can be extremely helpful and take you to the next level in the medium term.

Work on your communication

Communication is the be-all and end-all im Pro Gaming. Anyone who has ever watched a match played by a professional team will quickly notice that the chatter is constantly high.

Where is which opponent right now? Who is approaching a streak or holding an important spot? These and other questions are answered continuously by the team in one round.

Those who are then able to process all this information and combine it with map awareness and their skills have a decisive advantage in many situations.

It's your turn

We hope you now have all the important answers to the question "How to become an esports player?". As you can see, it's a long way and a lot of work. No one becomes the new esports phenomenon overnight.

We keep your fingers crossed of course and look forward to your highlights and decisive plays from the big leagues and tournaments in the world. What are you waiting for? If you really want to become a pro gamer, get to work and show the scene that they have to reckon with you!