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Mouse grip types - Claw grip, Palm grip and Fingertip grip

Have you ever wondered what's up with the Claw Grip, Palm Grip oder Fingertip Grip is on? Don't worry, we'll tell you! In this post you will find out Everything you need to know about the most popular mouse grips and their advantages and disadvantages.

If you really want to gamble on the computer, you definitely need a good mouse. However, there are now so many gaming mice that it can be really difficult to find the perfect mouse. It can help you here if you know your mouse grip type and then search specifically for suitable mice. But what types of grips are there?

The 3 most common mouse grip types

Basically, mouse grips are about how you hold your mouse in your hand. Most known handles differ primarily in how much contact the mouse has with your palm and fingers.

No matter if you Go pro gamer or just want to gamble comfortably, mouse handles and the matching mice can have a big impact on your skills and endurance.

Many gamers simply buy any mouse that appeals to them visually and is played by many people. Depending on the game, playing style and grip type, a mouse can be more or less suitable for you. Much more important than countless buttons or a great design is that everything feels perfect and fits your natural mouse grip.

Every gamer holds their mouse a little differently, but the three most popular mouse grip styles are the palm grip, fingertip grip, and claw grip.

Palm Grip

The palm grip is by far the most common mouse grip. Regardless of whether Casual Gamer or office worker, most people automatically use the palm grip when picking up a mouse.

"Palm" is the English word for "palm" and as the name suggests, there is comparatively much contact between the mouse and the hand with the Palmgrip. This lies relaxed and relaxed on the mouse, while the arm and shoulder do most of the work.

What are the advantages of the Palm Grip?

The movements of the palm grip are particularly soft and precise. The Palmgrip is therefore particularly suitable for games in which the main focus is on attention and controlled movements over a long period of time arrives

But you can also benefit from it as an FPS player. If you're willing to sacrifice some speed when aiming, the Palm Grip will often reward you with more consistent aim.

So if you're more of a person who doesn't have to slide aroand every corner the whole lap, the Palm Grip is a very relaxed grip with a lot of control, iit is also suitable for shooters.

What are the disadvantages of the Palm Grip?

Basically you can say that you are not as fast with the Palm Grip as with other mouse grips. The forearm plays an important role and you have comparatively much contact with the mouse, which noticeably slows down fast movements. This can change over time become noticeable in the arm and shoulder.

As a result, the palm grip does not suit games or playing styles that often require quick and jerky movements. If flickshots are an important part of your style or if you mainly play hectic games, then the palm grip is probably not the right type of grip for you.

What should you look for in a palm grip mouse?

If you're looking for a palm grip mouse, look no further larger models with plenty of space for your hand Keeping an eye out. Matching mice are usually wider, longer and have a high "back", to give maximum support to the hand. You have enough choice here, since more than half of all mice on the market can basically be described as palm grip mice.

Fingertip Grip

The fingertip grip is by far the most extreme type of grip. With absolutely minimal hand-to-mouse contact, this grip style calls for quick reactions and a very active playstyle.

Fingertip grip is in the form of your fingertips only five small contact points with the mouse. The palm is always in the air and does not touch the mouse. In the end, the fingertip grip is almost the exact opposite of the palm grip.

Whether as Triharder or AWP-God, if you choose the fingertip grip, you set the course for speed.

What are the advantages of the fingertip grip?

The higher speed is by far the biggest advantage with fingertip grip. Due to the maximum freedom of movement for the hand and wrist, it is very agile compared to other grip types, allows faster reactions and is still relatively precise.

What are the disadvantages of the fingertip grip?

For many gamers, however, fingertip grip is rather uncomfortable. If it's not your natural way of holding a mouse, it's often very difficult to master. Even those who have to perform precise and slow movements over long periods of time will in most cases not do themselves any favors with this grip.

What should you look for in a fingertip grip mouse?

A fingertip grip mouse should comparatively easy be. The corresponding mice are often significantly shorter than other models, very light and have a flat "back". With mice for fingertip grip, every gram counts, since you only move the mouse with your fingertips.

Claw Grip

The Claw Grip belongs to Pro Gaming like Jumpthrow Bind und Scrims. For many gamers, it's easy the perfect middle groand between the slow palm grip and the very strenuous fingertip grip.

This grip has the last phalanx and a small part of the palm in contact with the mouse. Because this stance looks like a claw, and the English word for claw is "claw," this is where the name Claw Grip comes from.

At the claw grip much less work is done with the forearm and the wrist is used more. This makes it suitable for many genres and both for long sessions and for very fast shooters.

What are the advantages of the Claw Grip?

The claw grip allows faster movement, but still offers stability and precision. Movements from the wrist make it very fast, but contact with the palm of the hand allows very precise movements without much practice. This makes the Claw Grip particularly suitable for shooters, of course, but it also works in any other game.

What are the disadvantages of the Claw Grip?

The unfamiliar finger position can quickly cause problems and cause pain. If you notice problems here, you should probably switch to a different grip, otherwise long-term problems can arise.

What should you look for in a claw grip mouse?

It's best to pay attention to a claw grip mouse a shorter mouse with a very roanded "back". Suitable models should be significantly lighter than a mouse for the palm grip, since you have to move them with much less contact area.

Holding the mouse correctly needs to be learned

So you see, there's no right or wrong when it comes to mouse grips. Whether Palm Grip, Fingertrip Grip or Claw Grip, at the end of the day it comes down to your personal preferences.

But it can be said that while the palm grip offers you the most support, the mouse is mainly moved by the arm, which makes it comparatively slow.

If you are a fan of fast FPS and often rely on fast and sudden movements, the fingertip or claw grip can be a good alternative for you.

So it can definitely make sense to switch to a different type of grip, if it suits your playstyle better. If you then find the perfect mouse, nothing stands in the way of long and fun sessions.